
Kurt is a sailor, which is to say that he is a bullshit ar storyteller. He wrote and performed his essay No, Thanks, No Thanks for the KPBS/So Say We All project, “Veterans Coming Home,” and his essay Half Asleep in the Blue Light Lounge appears in the anthology, Incoming: Veterans on Coming Home, and (with musical soundtrack) in the Incoming! Podcast. He has written and performed more than twenty pieces for Derek Dujardin’s “MENding Monologues”.

A passionate theatre newb, Kurt has appeared as Chief Bromden in OnStage Playhouse’s production of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” and as Vincentio in InnerMission Productions’ “Taming of the Shrew.” He is a founding member of the La Jolla Playhouse Veteran Playwright’s Workshop.

He lives and dodges brush fires with his wife in the urban wilds of Southern California, where he is probably far too concerned about the bodily functions of their dog.

He served on active duty in the United States Navy from 1979 to 2002, retiring as a Chief Petty Officer.